Explore simple tips about staying safe and responsible when choosing to drink, hosting parties, caring for self and others, and resources to turn to when needed.
Knowing how your fellow Boilermakers choose to drink can influence how you fit in as well. Explore what Boilermakers have to say below. Join in helping make sure campus is safe and welcome by drinking in responsible ways.
The following statistics are from the 2023 Purdue Indiana College Substance Use Survey.
Make sure your guests arrive and leave safely by considering the following:
Under the law, you can be held responsible if you furnish alcohol to a person who then causes injury to another if:
Talking with Others
Consider Yourself when Caring for Others
Campus Resources and Support
In the state of Indiana, the purchase, distribution, and use of marijuana is generally prohibited by law.
The use, possession, or distribution of "medical marijuana" in Purdue University residence halls, on other areas of the Purdue University campus, or otherwise is also prohibited even in the instance where the "medical marijuana" was legally prescribed in another state and/or country.