Classroom Courtesy Guidelines

Use of the 10-Minute Period Between Classes

Classes should be planned so that they dismiss by the end of the prescribed time period.  The first five minutes after the official dismissal time should be considered a shut-down period for the class that is in session.  This shut-down period allows the instructor time to turn off the document camera and overhead projector used during class and pack-up materials.  The second five-minute period preceding the start of the next class should be considered preparation time for the in-coming class.  

It is expected that disputes arising over violations of these guidelines will be resolved in a friendly and respectful manner.  If an instructor has a continuing problem with another instructor who either starts using the room early or stays beyond the shut-down period, the problem should be addressed by reporting the situation to the schedule deputy who can then speak with the classroom scheduling unit of the Office of the Registrar about it should the problem not be able to be resolved between the two instructors.

Please do not move classroom furniture between rooms, as this adversely affects the class or event scheduled for that other room.  If you need a larger room for your class, please contact your departmental schedule deputy.

In addition to the above, the following courtesies upon leaving a room will help avoid ill-will:

  • Erase the board prior to leaving class.
  • Return any projection screens to their normal position.
  • Log out of the classroom computer if you used it:
    • Select “Class End” on touch screens or the off button on button pads.  This blackens the projector shutter.  If no one touches the screen for the Creston control system within 17 minutes, the system will turn off the lamp in the projector and cool it down. Note:  If the next instructor is already in the room, you can skip the process to blacken the projector shutter.
    • Please do not turn off the classroom computer.
  • Return desks to their normal arrangement.
  • Turn off any document cameras and overhead projectors (and wind the acetate to a blank position).

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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