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Operating Procedures for Gathering and Reporting Crime Statistics

These procedures supplement the policy on Campus Security and Crime Statistics (IV.A.2). Please refer to the policy for contact information and applicable definitions.

Effective date: January 29, 2015 

I. Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 

A.  Current Students and Employees: The senior director of environmental health and  public safety (West Lafayette), the vice chancellors responsible for security (Regional Campuses) and the directors of the University’s Separate Campuses, or their designees, will distribute, by October 1 of each year,  an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report to all current students and employees of their respective Campuses. The report will be distributed to each individual by U.S. mail, Campus mail, electronic mail or through publications provided directly to each individual.

B.  Prospective Students and Employees: Notice of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report’s availability, including a description of the report's contents, and the opportunity to request a copy of the report will be provided to Prospective Students and Employees. The report will be provided upon request to all Prospective Students and Prospective Employees.

C.  Contents of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report will contain at least the following information regarding each Campus’s security and fire policies and statistics: 

1.  Campus Policies Regarding Criminal Actions and Emergencies: A statement of current Campus policies regarding procedures and facilities for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on Campus and policies concerning the Campus’s response to such reports, including:        

a.  Policies for making timely warning reports to members of the Campus community regarding the occurrence of crimes described in paragraph I.C.13 below;

b.  Policies for preparing the annual disclosure of crime statistics; 

c.  A list of the titles of each person or organization to whom students and employees should report the criminal offenses described in paragraph I.C.13 below for the purpose of making timely warning reports and the annual statistical disclosure; and   

d.  A disclosure of whether the University has any policies or procedures that allow victims or witnesses to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics, and, if so, a description of those policies and procedures.

2.  Campus Security and Access Policies: A statement of current policies concerning security and access to Campus facilities, including Campus residences, and security considerations used in the maintenance of Campus facilities.

3.  Campus Policies Concerning Law Enforcement: A statement of current policies concerning Campus law enforcement, including: 

a.  The enforcement authority of University Police, including their working relationship with Indiana and local police agencies and their authority to make lawful arrests;

b.  Policies that encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the University Police and appropriate police agencies; and   

c.  Procedures, if any, that encourage professional and/or pastoral counselors, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform the individuals they are counseling of any procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. 

4.  Security Programs Offered to Students and Employees: A description of the type and frequency of programs designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

5.  Crime Prevention Programs: A description of programs designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes.

6.  Monitoring Criminal Activity at Off-Campus Student Organizations: A statement of policy concerning the monitoring and recording through local police agencies of criminal activity at off-Campus student organizations that are recognized by the University and that are engaged in by students attending the University, including those student organizations with Non-Campus Buildings or Property.

7.  Alcohol and Drug Policies: A statement of policy regarding:   

a.  The possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of Indiana underage drinking laws

b.  The possession, use and sale of illegal drugs and enforcement of Federal and Indiana drug laws;   

c.  A description of any drug or alcohol abuse education programs as required under 20 U.S.C.145g; and

d.  A description of the University’s Alcohol- and Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy.

8.  Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Programs and Procedures: A statement of policy regarding Campus dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking programs designed to prevent such acts, including:   

a.  A description of primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees, which must include:

i.  A statement that the University prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking;

ii. The definition of “dating violence,” “domestic violence,” “sexual assault” and “stalking” in the state of Indiana;

iii. A statement that Indiana law does not define “consent” in reference to sexual activity;

iv. A description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention;

v. Information on risk reduction;

vi. Procedures victims should follow if a crime of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking has occurred (and information outlined in section I.C.8.b below);

vii. Information about how the University will protect the confidentiality of victims and other necessary parties;

viii. A statement that the University will provide an individual who reports that s/he has been the victim of dating violence,domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, regardless of location, a written explanation of the individual’s rights and options; and

ix. A description of the procedures for University disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.   

b.  Procedures victims should follow if a crime of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking has occurred, including written information about:   

i.  The importance of preserving evidence that may assist in proving that the alleged criminal offense occurred or may be helpful in obtaining a protection order

ii.  How and to whom the alleged offense should be reported;

iii.  Options about  the involvement of law enforcement and Campus authorities, including notification of the victim’s option to:

I.  Notify proper law enforcement authorities, including University Police and local police;

II. Be assisted by Campus authorities in notifying law enforcement authorities if the victim so chooses; and  

III. Decline to notify such authorities.

iv.  The rights of victims for orders of protection issued by a criminal or civil court and the University’s responsibilities for orders of no-contact directives issued by the University.

c.  Information about how the University will protect the confidentiality of victims and other necessary parties, including how the University will:

i.  Complete publicly available recordkeeping, for purposes of Clery Act reporting  and disclosure, without the inclusion of identifying information about the victim; and 

ii.  Maintain as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to the victim, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the University to provide such accommodations or protective measures. 

d.  A statement that the University will provide written notification to students and employees about existing on- and off-Campus counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, and other services available for victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking.   

e.  A statement that the University will provide written notification to victims about options for, and available assistance in, changing academic, living, transportation, and working situations. The University must make such  accommodations requested by the victim if they are reasonably available, regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to University Police or local law enforcement.

f.  Procedures for Campus disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, which must include:

i.  A description of each type of disciplinary proceeding used by the University; the steps, anticipated timelines and decision-making process for each type of disciplinary proceeding; and how the University determines which type of proceeding to use based on the circumstances of an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking;

ii.  A description of the standard of evidence that is used in disciplinary proceedings involving allegations of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking;

iii.  A list of all possible sanctions the University may impose following the results of a disciplinary proceeding for allegations of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking;   

iv.  A description of the range of protective measures that the University may offer following an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking;

v.  A statement that disciplinary proceedings will:   

I.  Include a prompt, fair and impartial process from the initial investigation to the final result  

II.  Be  conducted by officials who, at a minimum, receive annual training on the issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking and on how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability;

III.  Provide the complainant and respondent with the same opportunities to have others present during any disciplinary proceeding, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by the advisor of their choice;

IV.  Not limit the choice of advisor or presence for either the complainant or respondent in any meeting or disciplinary proceeding; however, the University may establish restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in proceedings provided that such restrictions apply equally to both parties; and

V.  Require simultaneous notification, in writing, to both the complainant and the respondent of:

I.  The result of any disciplinary proceeding arising from an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking;

II.  The University’s procedures for the complainant and respondent to appeal the result of the disciplinary proceeding, if appeals are provided;

III.  Any change to the result; and

IV.  When such results become final.

9.  Sex and Violent Offender Registry: A statement advising the Campus community of the availability and location of the Indiana Sheriff’s Sex and Violent Offender Registry.
10.  Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures: A statement of policy regarding emergency response and evacuation procedures. This statement must include: 

a.  The procedures the University will use to immediately notify the Campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous  situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on Campus;

b.  A description of the process the University will use to:

i.  Confirm that there is a significant emergency or dangerous situation on Campus

ii.  Determine the appropriate segment or segments of the Campus community to receive a notification;  

iii.  Determine the content of the notification; and

iv.  Initiate the notification system. 

c.  A statement that the University will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency;

d.  A list of the titles of each person(s) or organization(s) responsible for carrying out the actions described in paragraph 10.b above;

e.  The University’s procedures for disseminating emergency information to the larger community; and

f.  The  University’s procedures to Test the emergency response and evacuation procedures on at least an annual basis, including: 

i.  Tests that may be announced or unannounced;

ii.  Publicizing its emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with at least one Test per calendar year; and

iii.  Documenting, for each Test, a description of the exercise, the date, time and whether it was announced or unannounced.

11.  Timely Warning Procedures: A statement of the University’s timely warning procedures, including:

a.  The circumstances for which a warning will be issued;

b.  The individual or office responsible for issuing the warning; and

c.  The manner in which the warning will be disseminated.  

See section II below.  

12.  Missing Student Notification Policies and Procedures: A statement of policy regarding missing student notification procedures for students who reside in Campus student housing facilities. This statement must: 

a.  Indicate a list of titles of each person or organization to which students, employees, or other individuals should report that a student has been missing for 24 hours;

b.  Require that any missing student report must be referred immediately to the University Police;  

c.  Provide that each student living in a Campus student housing facility may identify a contact person(s) whom the University will notify if the student is determined missing by the University Police; 

d.  Advise students that their contact information will be registered confidentially, that this information will be accessible only to authorized University officials, and that it may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation;

e.  Advise students that if they are under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the University must notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, in addition to any additional contact person designated by the student; and 

f.  Advise students that unless a local law enforcement agency was the entity that made the determination that a student is missing, the University will notify the local law enforcement agency within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.   

13.  Crime Statistics: Each Annual Security and Fire Safety Report will include crime statistics for the most recent calendar year and the two immediately preceding calendar years. 
The University must report statistics for which data are available concerning the occurrence on Campus, in or on Non-Campus Buildings or Property, and on Public Property of the following criminal offenses reported to University Police, Campus Security Authorities, or relevant local police agencies:

a.  Criminal homicide: murder, non-negligent and negligent manslaughter;

b.  Sex offenses;

c.  Robbery;

d.  Aggravated  assault;   

e.  Burglary;

f.  Motor vehicle theft;

g.  Arson;   

h.  Dating Violence;

i.  Domestic Violence;

j.  Stalking;

k.  Arrests or persons referred for Campus disciplinary action for Liquor Law Violations, Drug-related Violations and Weapons Possession;

l.  The crimes (a) through (g) above, in which the evidence suggests the victim was intentionally selected because of the actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, gender identity or national origin of the victim that was reported to University Police or local police agencies;   

m.  The crimes of  larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation and destruction/damage/vandalism of property in which the evidence suggests the victim was intentionally selected because of the actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, gender identity or national origin of the victim; and   

n.  Crimes  involving bodily injury to any person in which the evidence suggests the victim was intentionally selected because of the actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, gender identity or national origin of the victim.
o.  The crimes described in paragraphs (l), (m) and (n) above will be reported by category of prejudice.

14.  The statistics in this section will be reported according to the location of the crime as follows:

a.  On Campus,

b.  In or on a Non-Campus Building or Property,

c.  On Public Property, and

d.  In dormitories or other residential facilities for students on Campus.

15.  The statistics in this section will be reported for the calendar year in which the crime was reported to a Campus Security Authority, except for reports of Stalking.

a.  Reports of Stalking will be reported for the calendar year in which they were first reported to a Campus Security Authority.  

b.  If a Stalking course of conduct continues in a subsequent year, it must also be recorded in the subsequent year. 

c.  Finally, if Stalking behavior occurs after an official intervention or warning from law enforcement or from the University, a Stalking report must be counted as a new and distinct incident in the statistics.

16.  Fire Safety Policies and Procedures: Each Annual Security and Fire Safety Report must include the following fire safety policy information: 

a.  A description of each Campus student housing facility fire safety system

b.  The number of fire drills held during the previous calendar year;

c.  The University’s policies or rules on portable electrical appliances, smoking, and open flames in a student housing facility;

d. The University’s procedures for student housing evacuation in the case of a fire;

e. The policies regarding fire safety education and training programs provided to the students and employees, including a description of the procedures that students and employees should follow in the case of a fire;

f. A list of the titles of each person or organization to which students and employees should report that a fire occurred.

g.  Plans for future improvements in fire safety, if known as of the date of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

17.  Fire Statistics: Each Annual Security and Fire Safety Report will include fire safety statistics for each Campus student housing facility for the most recent calendar year and the two immediately preceding calendar years. The University must report statistics concerning:

a. The number of fires and the cause of each fire;

b. The number of individuals who received Fire-related Injuries that resulted in treatment at a medical facility, including at the Purdue University Student Health Center;

c. The number of Fire-related Deaths; and

d. The value of property damage caused by a fire.

II. Timely Warning to the Campus Community

A.  To ensure the safety of the Campus community, the senior director, environmental health and public safety (West Lafayette), the vice chancellors responsible for Campus security (Regional Campuses) and the directors of Separate Campuses, or their designees, will issue timely warnings to the Campus community regarding crimes that are:     

1.  Listed in section I.C.13. above;

2.  Reported to University Police, a Campus Security Authority, or relevant local police agencies; and

3.  Considered by the senior director, environmental health and public safety, the vice chancellor or the director, or their designees, to be a threat to students and employees.

B.  The decision whether to issue a timely warning to the Campus community must be based upon the facts surrounding the crime including, but not limited to, the nature of the crime, the continuing danger to the Campus community and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. Timely warnings are issued through a variety of methods determined on a case-by-case basis, which include:    

1.  Text messages,

2.  Twitter,

3.  Desktop pop-up alerts,

4.  Alert beacons,

5.  Email,

6.  Purdue Campus status page,

7.  Boiler TV Emergency Alert System, and/or

8.  Local media

C.  If there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on Campus (as described in section I.C.10 above), the University will follow its emergency notification procedures. If  emergency notification procedures are executed, a timely warning is not required based on the same circumstances; however, adequate follow-up information will be provided to the Campus community as needed.

III. Crime Log 

A.  University Police will make, keep and maintain a daily log, written in a form that can be easily understood, recording all crimes reported to University Police. The log must include the following information:

1.  The nature, date, time and general location of each crime and

2.  The disposition of the complaint, if known.

B.  University Police will record crimes in the daily log within two business days of  the report of the crime to the University Police, and will record any new information about a log entry within two business days after the information becomes available to University Police. Generally, log entries will be open to public inspection within two business days of the initial report being made to University Police. However, the senior director, environmental  health and  public safety (West Lafayette), the vice chancellors responsible for Campus security (Regional Campuses) and the directors of Separate Campuses, or their designees, may withhold information from the log under any of the following circumstances:

1.  Where the law prohibits the University from releasing the information,  

2.  Where releasing the information would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim, or

3.  Where there is clear and convincing evidence that releasing the information would:

a.  Jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation,

b.  Jeopardize the safety of an individual,  

c.  Cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or   

d.  Result in the destruction of evidence.   

4.  The individual with the responsibility for determining whether information will be  withheld from the log will document in writing the basis for withholding information from the log and he or she will maintain a copy of the documentation in a secure file. The withheld information must be disclosed once the adverse effects described above are no longer likely to occur.   

C.  Log entries for  the most recent 60-day period must be available for public inspection during normal business hours. Logs older than 60 days must be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

IV. Gathering Crime Statistics — University Police 

A.  Campus Security Authorities: University Police will be responsible for gathering the crime statistics that must be reported in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (See section I.C.13 above). University Police will develop a written procedure for gathering the statistics. University Police will also implement safeguards to prevent double counting.   

B.  Local Police  Agencies: University Police will be responsible for making good faith efforts to gather crime statistics from local police agencies, which must be reported in the Annual Security Report (See section I.C.13). Any such efforts will be documented in writing.

V. Fire Log     

A.  The Purdue Fire Department (West Lafayette) and the University Police chiefs (Regional Campuses) will make, keep and maintain a daily log, written in a form that can be easily understood, recording all fires that occurred in a Campus student housing facility. The log must include the nature, date, time and general location of each fire. 

B.  Fires will be recorded in the daily log within two business days of the report of the fire to the Purdue Fire Department (West Lafayette) or University Police department (Regional Campuses), and any new information about a log entry will be recorded within two business days after the information becomes available to the Purdue Fire Department (West Lafayette) or the University Police  Department (Regional Campuses).
C.  Log entries for the most recent 60-day period must be available for public inspection during normal business hours. Logs older than 60 days must be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

VI. Annual Report to the Secretary of Education
The senior director, environmental health and public safety (West Lafayette), the vice chancellor responsible for security (Regional Campuses) and the directors of Separate Campuses, or their designees, will submit annually the crime statistics listed in paragraph I.C.13 and the  fire statistics listed in paragraph I.C.17 for their respective Campuses to the United States Secretary of Education.

VII. Questions
Questions regarding these procedures may be directed to the senior director of environmental health and public safety (West Lafayette and Separate Campuses) or the vice chancellor responsible for security (Regional Campuses).

VIII. History and Updates
January 29, 2015: These Operating Procedures were revised and separated from the related policy on Campus Security and Crime Statistics (IV.A.2). Revisions include the expansion of section I.C.8 to include information about dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and related programs and procedures, as well as information on timely warning procedures.