DTA Highlights Archive

Browse this video archive to learn more about DTA programs designed to enhance campus diversity at Purdue. Scroll down to view all videos!

"Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) for Biomedical Sciences" August 2016
DLT: What is the most exciting aspect of the PREP? DLT: How would you describe the program?
Marxa Figueiredo describes how this DTA pilot can lead to an NIH grant for expanded opportunities. Susan Mendrysa discusses the goals, features and benefits of the PREP.
DLT: What makes this URM program unique?
Kauline Cipriani describes the cultural competency training component of the PREP.
"Purdue Express: A Transformative Recruitment Initiative" July 2016
DLT: What are the goals of the program and how do you intend to reach those goals? DLT: What are the most exciting elements of this program?
Renee Thomas tells us about the Boiler Express Initiative. James Dekle describes how participants bring music, creativity, and personal experiences to an original production.
DLT: What makes this program unique compared to other similar projects?
Mitch Warren describes the critical points of their approach which helps student success.
"Chemistry Diversity Initiative: A Graduate Student Program for Success" June 2016
DLT: What elements will be included to reverse the trend of declining numbers of URM graduate students? DLT: What has been the most exciting element of this project?
Professor Jean Chmielewski describes the three key phases of this initiative. Professor Jon Wilker tells us about how Purdue students are getting involved.
DLT: Who are you turning to for help with recruitment and mentoring? DLT: How have you helped PhD students prepare for cumulative exams? What services are available?
Professor Jean Chmielewski tells us how former and current URM graduate students are helping. Director Dwight Lewis explains how funding has provided opportunities to help PhD students.
DLT: What type of track record does Purdue have when it comes to URM students being successful at the university?
Director Dwight Lewis describes Purdue’s impressive history.
"Four Directions: Building a Foundation for Native Scholars" May 2016
DLT: What is the project about? DLT: What challenges do Native American students face when they come to a big Midwest public university like Purdue?
Professor Dawn Marsh describes the four points of the Four Directions project. Professor Ken Ridgeway shares different challenging factors students face.
DLT: What has motivated the need for this project? DLT: What do you think is most important about this project?
Professor Dawn Marsh describes the major themes of this project. Felica Ahasteen-Bryant tells us about the most exciting elements of the program.
DLT: Could you provide examples of successful research done by Native American graduate students? DLT: Why do you think this project will be successful?
Professor Kerry Rabenold tells us about Native American graduate students and their research work. Listen to the response from Professor Ken Ridgeway.
"Building Partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities" April 2016
DLT: What is the most important element of this project? DLT: What are you most excited about?
Professor Shawn Donkin tells us about the most exciting element of this program. Professor Margaret Gitau describes the faculty exchanges.
DLT: What have you found from engaging with HBCU students? DLT: What has your experience been interacting with HBCU students?
Professor Kevin Solomon describes positive outcome of the project for HBCU students. Professor Jenna Rickus describes the potential of future researchers.
DLT: Do you think this project will be successful? DLT: Do you think the quality of your research will be enhanced by these new HBCU partnerships?
Listen to the response from Professor Margaret Gitau. Listen to the response from Professor Jenna Rickus.
"Promoting Student Inclusion: An Evidence-Based Program for Transforming Purdue's Climate" March 2016
DLT:What does the program involve? DLT: How will this program be used?
Professor Margo Monteith describes how the program leads to positive results. Dr. Evelyn Carter describes how this project will adapt to a variety of venues.
DLT: What are the special elements of this program? DLT: Why is this program needed?
Professor Erin Hennes describes the unique elements of the program. Dr. Zenephia Evans explains how students will benefit from this program.
DLT: What is it like to work on this team?
Dr. Evans describes why working with people who bring learned experiences, knowledge and background is so gratifying.
"Strengthening the Purdue Pipeline for Underrepresented Minority Student Matriculation" February 2016
DLT: What is the program about? DLT: Who is involved and what will they be focusing on?
Tahira Reid provides an overview. Darryl Dickerson describes the collaboration designed to maximize positive results in recruitment and retention.
DLT: What are the most important elements? DLT: What are you most excited about?
Jim Jones describes key areas that will emerge as the program evolves. Jim Jones explains why he thinks education is a “high-impact sport”.
DLT: How do you recruit URM students and what new approaches will you take? DLT: What’s the strategy for improving retention?
Virginia Booth-Womack describes how this program will build strong bonds between students and Purdue. Virginia Booth-Womack describes two of the most critical factors for successful retention.
DLT: How do you plan to help students engage with Purdue and Mechanical Engineering? DLT: Why is diversity important in the Mechanical Engineering profession?
Anil Bajaj describes how exposure to academic activities and student-centric methods will improve retention. Jim Jones describes why diversity is critical to effective engineering.
DLT: Are you confident the project will be successful?
Jim Jones and Tahira Reid answer this final question - Jim’s answer may surprise you!

DTA Highlights Archive

Archive - August 2016

Archive - July 2016

Archive - June 2016

Archive - May 2016

Archive - April 2016

Archive - March 2016

Archive - February 2016

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© 2021 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

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