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Women’s Global Health Institute
DLR 444, Purdue University
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1971


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"Beyond the X and Y: Gender Biology and Women's Health" -- Paula Johnson and Karen Plaut, Nov 16, 2023


Women's Health Research Symposium -- Sept 6, 2023

The playlist of the entire event

Selected talks:

Opening Remarks

Keynote: "Breast Cancer Screening -- New Ways of Thinking" -- Christiane Kuhl, RWTH Aachen University

Congratulations to 2023 WGHI research grant awardees! 

Women's Health Research Grant Awardees: (click for details)


Women's Global Health Institute

The health of women and girls is of particular concern as a result of gender-related biological differences, socioeconomic status, and disparities in research involving women participants. At Purdue University, we deliver solutions through research and training that address these challenges, both nationally and internationally, through our work at the Women’s Global Health Institute (WGHI). The institute combines strong technology, engineering, natural and social sciences, and is a hub for interdisciplinary research. 

The institute aspires to deliver meaningful solutions to the challenges in women’s health by securing partnerships and support for research and training from government, private foundations, and corporate companies. 

Our Women's Health Research Grant Program supports outstanding researchers in women's health. Here are the recent awardees. 

Tell us about your work on women's health and sex differences: 

We'd love to hear from you and discuss how we can promote and support your work on women's health and sex differences. Please click here to send us the information (requires a description of ~2-3 lines of your current or future work) and we will follow up with you. 

 Purdue University - Purdue Institute for Inflammation, Immunology and Infections Disease: Discovery Park