Our Mission
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Center provides programming that engages the entire Purdue University campus and community on LGBTQ issues through:
- An exciting calendar of events
- A distinguished lecture series
- Advocacy for equitable access and a discrimination-free environment
- Facilitation of a variety of training opportunities throughout the year
Located in Room G988 of the Hicks Undergraduate Library (HIKS), our space is a dedicated Safe Zone that provides a welcoming and affirming location on campus for all, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
The LGBTQ Center maintains an extensive print and media library, as well as a collection of original artwork and historical artifacts, that communicates an all-too-often hidden history. Tours of the center highlight the diverse LGBTQ community, relate key historical moments, explore the complexity of identity, address common stereotypes and misinformation about LGBTQ people, and create opportunities for building intercultural dialogue and connections.
The LGBTQ Center is the primary point of contact for members of the LGBTQ community as it works collaboratively with campus departments, student organizations, University administration and local community groups to connect students with the enriching resources, activities and support services they seek in order to be successful at Purdue and beyond.