Funded DTA Projects
Purdue Agriculture Family Programs: A College Experience for Parents
PI: Marcos Fernandez, associate dean, director of academic programs, College of Agriculture
Parents play a large role in a student's decision to attend a college, especially in families of underrepresented minorities and first-generation students. This program builds trust among families by nurturing close relationships between the families of candidates and Purdue. The PI will collaborate with Purdue Extension from four diverse counties to identify, communicate and invite parents to campus for an immersive, two-day residential "Boilermaker Family College" experience aimed at demonstrating and sharing the student experience at Purdue. Parents will gain important information about applying, enrolling and keys to success. The project capitalizes on social networking to spread its reach as targeted families engage with other families and build new Purdue communities.
Team members: Tyson McFall, academic advisor, Botany and Plant Pathology