Funded DTA Projects
Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) for Biomedical Sciences
PI: Susan Mendrysa, associate professor, Basic Medical Sciences
This program includes a post-baccalaureate program (PREP) targeted at recent college graduates from groups underrepresented in biomedical sciences who have high potential for science yet lack the necessary research experience or may need additional upper-level coursework for successful entry and timely progression through a PhD program. A pilot PREP program will be established in the College of Veterinary Medicine to help bridge the gap for these high-performing students. Data from the pilot PREP will be used to support submission of a 5-year NIH R25 (PREP) which, if successful, will provide ~$400K/year for program expansion within the College of Veterinary Medicine and through other Purdue colleges.
Team members: Marxa Figueiredo, assistant professor, Basic Medical Sciences; Kauline Cipriani, director of diversity initiatives, Veterinary Medicine; Colleen Gabauer, director of interdisciplinary graduate programs, Graduate School; Cynthia Lynch, director of fellowship and professional development, Graduate School; Willie Burgess, managing director, Discovery Learning Research Center.